Selected as an Excellent Employment Enterprise in Seongnam
CEO Philip Kim
Address 5th Floor, 41, Seongnam-daero, 925 beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Fax +82-31-696-6840 Tel +82-31-731-8175
Copyright ⓒ BTREE All right reserved.
CEO Philip Kim
Address 5th Floor, 41, Seongnam-daero, 925 beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Fax +82-31-696-6840 Tel +82-31-731-8175
Copyright ⓒ BTREE All right reserved.
On January 5th, Seongnam City selects five companies that have contributed to local job creation and issues a certificate of excellent employment.
These companies are Gridwiz, Inc., IRM Inc., TLSENT Inc., BTREE Inc., and Saeron inc. These companies have hired 35 new employees in total, with a 10% increase in the number of employees over the past year.
Seongnam City provides incentives to grant additional points upon selection when each excellent employment company applies for participation in promising domestic or overseas exhibitions.
Along with this, the company plans to continue implementing the Employment Excellence Company Certificate so that more companies can participate in job creation and employment expansion.